I'd like to be able to pull up the list of sim IDs and/or ICCIDs linked to a BIC2 via the portal or via API. At the moment, below is the outline of our process in activating our sims: When we receive a new batch, the receiver is instructed to notify me and provide me with the BIC2 code. I am currently adding the SIMs via the portal, but I also intend to use the API for this in the future. I am not using the portal to create the endpoints, as this, too, has been very unreliable. In fact, the last few times it has failed to create all the endpoints, which resulted in my having to use the API after all. So, for that reason, I prefer creating all the endpoints myself, as it is easier to monitor and run in the background - and resume if something goes bad. For our tablets, I receive a list of ICCID/Serial number pairs when a SIM has been paired with a tablet. This way I can run another job setting the correct names of the endpoints. Robot SIMs are currently not named, but it is something we will also do in the future — similar to what we do for the tablets. So adding an endpoint to the API that can provide me with the SIMs based on the BIC2 code would be a great help.