Edit/move tags
under review
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Michael Streiner
under review
Hi, thanks for your feedback!
We're already introduced the enter key for searching, so the search will only trigger when you want it to from now on.
Regarding the sorting of tags and listing in the search to select from, that's sadly not so easy as the tags live on every device and not in a central place yet.
So we can introduce manual sorting or automated sorting when one enters tags, but no selection of all tags across the devices or dynamic sorting of the tags in the list based on preference.
Would a manual option to sort them fit you or would you want them to be sorted alphabetically always?
Michael Streiner
Neil Elliot
Plus, when searching using the Tag option, change the "choose tag" text box search-as-you-type function to a search of the list of possible tags, rather than a search of possible devices. In other words, delay the search of devices until a tag is actually selected.
Neil Elliot
Or, sort tags alphabetically so they appear in the same order in the Connected Devices view.