Traffic stats for the last day per hour on connected device details
under review
Victor Pascual
Our business works in order to check hourly the data consumption to have an overview on the behavior of the devices (robots) of our clients. The possibility to have the live traffic report available for every single SIM will surely give us the chance to deploy more SIMs and implement our business more. Is it possible to implement this feature in the new portal?
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Victor Pascual
My query is very simple.
How can I see this graph for one day? (not "last hour / month").
The option "Live Traffic" is very interesting, but it doesn't show 1 individual SIM. It doesn't serve us.
Could we have the commented chart for 1 day?
Michael Streiner
Victor Pascual: Thanks, this is very helpful. Now I understand your request fully.
Sadly this is not a quick fix I can deliver in between and since we have a lot planned and in development already, I would prioritize it according to the other requests and get back to you here once it becomes a priority or once we touch that part anyway and can deliver it aside okay?
Best regards,
Michael Streiner
under review
Michael Streiner
Hi Victor Pascual,
I understand that you are looking for the attached report to have a filter by SIM or device?
To display many of them a the same time would surely crash the report and be unusable when you exceed a certain amount of devices.
I'm unsure what exactly your use-case is, but what I would typically recommend for these data analytics task where you need to analyse and identify misbehaviour of devices based on specific parameters of those devices, would be to stream the data of all of your devices to your systems to be able to analyse and report on it exactly as you need and automate alerts based on the requirements you have.
For this we offer the data streamer and it's option to stream usage data in single records or bulk to many different systems.