Exports alerts in New portal
under review
in the new portal -> dashboard ->events (bottom) .
allow export of all events (these are the alerts as I understand)
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Thomas Carrier
Hi ISRAEL EU, I will also take this (and move this request) to the Data Analytics board. I think this makes sense there as it could be a report you could filter and then export from your liking.
Let us know if you have any more information regarding this one.
Michael Streiner
under review
sorry for coming back to you so late.
We do offer to stream all these events using our data streamer in real time to your application or backend as needed.
You can also download the events via our API where you have many options like filtering by device, SIM, User or even gettil all events for the whole organisation by custom date ranges storing/formatting your results as needed.
Please see our API documentation here: https://cdn.emnify.net/api/doc/search.html?q=event
Hope this helps to solve your request.