emnify is planning to optimize the selection criteria for the automatic breakout region, taking advantage of the newly available regions eu-central-1 (Frankfurt) and eu-central-2 (Zurich) and the resulting inter-regional latency measurements.
The change will be rolled out starting with September 30th, 2024.
As a result, customers who configured the “Automatic breakout region” in the Service Policy will observe lower latencies on the data path due to the data traffic being shifted to a closer geographical location.
No interruption is expected, because data sessions will migrate to the newly assigned regions as they are being recreated by the devices.
However, customers who implement IP address filtering on the backend / application must be aware that the public IP addresses of the device may change and therefore may get blocked. To prevent this from happening, the firewall rules must be updated to include all the public IP address used by emnify, as documented here: https://support.emnify.com/hc/en-us/articles/4417775717010-List-of-emnify-s-public-IPs. The most frequent migration will be from eu-west-1 (Ireland) to eu-central-1 (Frankfurt).
The breakout region used by a particular device can be quickly identified in the portal:
The selection mechanism for the automatic breakout region may be overridden by explicitly configuring a region in the Service Policy (instead of the automatic breakout region).