Problem listing 500 devices
Michael Streiner
When selecting 500 devices in the new portal, the list loads very long and the entries get displayed with a huge delay consuming a lot of CPU and memory.
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Michael Streiner
We're finally live now with the update!
Michael Streiner
We are still heavily working on it and we are reworking the whole connected devices listing and detail view for it to bring the best possible experience with the currently limited backend support where we need to load the data for every device with multiple API requests.
At the same time, the teams are looking into how we can improve our backend and API to support a better listing and filtering, but this will be an even bigger chunk of work throughout our teams.
Michael Streiner
in progress
We are working on it and will bring out a slightly improved first version the following days, but we will need to invest some more time to completely fix the issue.
Michael Streiner
under review
We will be looking into this issue within the next two weeks and will see how we can reduce the load time and the resource utilisation.